Violin by Thomas Craig, Aberdeen, 1905

Violin by Thomas Craig, Aberdeen, 1905

About Thomas Craig

Thomas Craig was a violin maker and restorer based in Aberdeen who often imported instruments from Germany and France in the white and varnished them in his workshop. There are several other British makers who did this, usually to keep up with local demand.

About this violin

This violin was made for Thomas Craig in Saxony and then varnished in Scotland. It is modelled after the instruments of Amati and is number 118 in Craig's production.

The violin has a two piece back of highly-figured maple with ribs and scroll to match. The front is two pieces of narrow-grained spruce and the varnish is Craig's characteristic reddish-brown.

The violin has a length of back of 362 mm.

How does it sound?

Bold and strong, this is a violin that works brilliantly. The sound is open and free, making playing very easy. The sound changes well to reflect changes in bowing style.


The violin is in very good condition with no cracks.

Further information

Please get in touch for more details about this antique violin made for Thomas Craig for sale and a member of our team will get back to you.

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