Viola by Kai-Thomas Roth, Glastonbury, 1991

Viola by Kai-Thomas Roth, Glastonbury, 1991

About Kai-Thomas Roth

Kai-Thomas Roth is a contemporary luthier who trained at the Newark School of Violin Making and has gone on to have an extremely successful career. Kai´s instruments are extremely popular with professional musicians and can be found all over the world. He now specialises in the making of cellos.

About the viola

This viola was made in 1991 and is modelled after the instruments of the Brothers Amati.

The viola has a one piece back of of very beautiful maple cut just off the quarter. The front is two pieces of fairly prominently-grained spruce which widens towards the flanks. The varnish is a rich brown colour, laid over a golden ground. This viola is unantiqued.

The viola has a length of back of 16 and 3/8ths.

How does it sound?

This viola has an extremely compelling sound, the kind of voice that stops you across a room. We normally avoid food analogies, especially the classic `chocolatey´ viola description, but this instrument is worth breaking the rule! It´s like a fantastic Moroccan tagine, the kind where each mouthful is rich, delicious, and always interesting.

It projects extremely well but never loses any quality of tone. A lovely viola!


The viola is in original mint condition.

Further information

Please get in touch for more details about this contemporary viola by Kai-Thomas Roth for sale and a member of our team will get back to you.

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